September 17, 2020 2024-11-19 11:47Home

The Peggi Experience focuses on teaching the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education
People live day-to-day masking muscle and joint pain until they hit a threshold. When it comes to your health and well-being, there is a better way to improve the quality of your life without going to such extremes. Simply being aware of how your mind and body work together creates more options. These more efficient choices open the possibility of improving how you function. I teach how integrating movement lessons will improve your daily life.
When we tune out we lose our consciousness. This is awareness of how we function. We fall back into our wired-in habits and compulsions. It’s with soft attention we find a better way to sense and feel a new pathway into ease and comfort in our daily movements.
Please contact me directly at 240-498-5354 to get on my schedule
What is Feldenkrais?
Each of us has our own specific habitual movement patterns that also reflect our emotional state, thought and physical being. These ways of how we know ourselves are familiar and too often these patterns use too much effort. It is a cultural condition of “muscling through” – that sense of resistance that we have learned with the mindset of “no pain, no gain.” Over time this unnecessary muscular effort creates too much heat, friction, and over time, without the awareness of creating other options, becomes inflammation. This chronic wear and tear manifests into the stress, pain and discomfort we all experience at some point in our lives.
The Feldenkrais Method is a dynamic learning system that had its first training program in 1969 in Tel Aviv by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. His incredible life story brought him to develop this learning through movement method. He saw how learning happens with infants through movement and created his own method of re-abilitating his own injuries during WWII when the remedies of the medical model were not sufficient.
Your first experience with Feldenkrais, whether with a hands on Functional Integration® (FI) session or an Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) class, will bring about a dramatic shift in your comfort. The learning process is ongoing even in the current Covid environment where we now have developed virtual sessions.
All that is necessary is a thirst for learning and a curiosity to go beyond your known; making slow, mindful, small movements to compare, discerning and distinguishing differences.
Feldenkrais Practitioner
Peggi Honig has been teaching Awareness Through Movement classes for sixteen years. She is currently a Guild certified Assistant Trainer who travels nationally to work in Feldenkrais Training Programs and also has a private practice in Maryland. Peggi certified as a North American Guild Practitioner with Educational Director David Zemach-Bersin. David continues to be her mentor along with her dear friend ED trainer Aliza Stewart.
Peggi’s experience in music and culinary led her in the late 1990’s to an extensive background in mind body modalities of Somatic Education, Hypnotherapy and NeuroLinguistic Programming, Swedish and Deep Tissue Integrated Massage, CranioSacral, Lymph Drainage and Positional Release.
Her passion for the human functional anatomy is evident in her teaching and gentle hands on approach.